
Step Away from the Screen, Unplug into Self-Discovery

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In our fast-paced, digital world, it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves. Matthew McConaughey’s quote, “Unplugging is not about running away from the world, but giving yourself a chance to run into yourself,” reminds us of the value of intentional disconnection.


When we unplug from distractions, we create space for introspection. We can rediscover our passions, values, and what truly matters.

Improved Mental Well-Being

Taking breaks from technology reduces stress and anxiety, allowing us to recharge our minds and bodies.

Increased Presence

When we’re not constantly checking our phones, we can live fully in the moment and deepen our connections with others.

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
At the heart of MHTN - America's pioneering 24/7 Mental Health TV Network - is our editorial team, a dynamic group of professionals united by a shared commitment to transforming the conversation around mental health. Our team is composed of seasoned journalists, mental health experts, researchers, and storytellers, each bringing a wealth of experience and a passion for advocacy.

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