
Reconnecting with Old Friends: Why It’s Hard (and How to Make It Easier)

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Ever thought about reaching out to an old friend, but something held you back? Maybe it was fear of rejection or that awkward “what do they want?” feeling.

Turns out, there’s some psychology behind this hesitation.

We all have expectations about friendships – what we bring to the table, what we hope to get in return. When life takes us down different paths, we wonder if we even have anything in common anymore.

Sometimes, it feels easier to just leave things as they are, catching up through social media. That’s perfectly okay! But other times, that little spark of connection is still there, waiting to be reignited.

So, how do you overcome that hurdle?

Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and Dr. Marcelline Girlie suggest to be honest with yourself. Do you really want to reconnect? Do you have the time and emotional energy to invest in rebuilding this friendship? If the answer is yes, then take a deep breath and reach out. It could be a simple message or a phone call – just something to break the ice.

Friendships are like plants. Sometimes they need a little TLC to bloom again. It might feel awkward at first, but if that deeper connection is still there, you might be surprised at how quickly you pick up where you left off.

And if it doesn’t work out? That’s okay too. Not every friendship is meant to last forever. But isn’t it worth taking a chance to find out?

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