
Love at First Lie? The Truth About Online Dating

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Could your online match be hiding something? In this “What’s Trending” segment, host Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu are joined by therapist Joann “JoJo” Venant to break down Psychology Today’s hidden dangers of digital dating, starting with catfishing.

The Deception of Catfishing

The article highlights Anna Akbari, one of many who thought she found her perfect match online, only to discover it was all a lie. JoJo Venant notes that the number one red flag in catfishing is when online couples move too quick before getting to know each other, so taking a step back is important.

Emotional Manipulation Tactics

Manipulators often use tactics like love bombing or gaslighting to control and confuse their victims. JoJo says manipulators and gaslighters get bothered when you take your time or say no. So if they want to move fast or don’t respond well to you saying no, take note of that.

The Mental Impact of Deception

Being deceived online obviously doesn’t feel great and can make you feel betrayed or lower your self-esteem. It’s important to remind yourself that this is not a reflection of your worth and seeking support from others can help you cope.

For more insights from therapist Joann “JoJo” Venant, follow her on Instagram or LinkedIn!

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