World Mental Health Day - MHTN

Embracing A Healthier Body Image

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In this segment of Lifequakes, hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes explore body image and what you can do if you are struggling with a negative image of yourself. Jennifer Lander, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, joins the discussion with advice on how to escape this negative mindset.

Don’t Gaslight Yourself

Our brain is exceptionally good at tricking us and probably does so more often than we think, so keep in mind that how you see yourself may not be how everyone else does. We can be our own biggest and worst critics at times, so remember to go easy on yourself as well because if you wouldn’t say it to someone else don’t say it to yourself.

Changing Your Perspective

Altering your mindset and how you talk to yourself isn’t going to happen overnight, it takes time to think in a more positive light. Lander recommends anyone struggling with their body image start by challenging the point of view when they think negatively. Take everything you see as ‘flaws’ and ask yourself how those can be seen differently and highlight your strengths. Lander also recommends voicing these thoughts to a trusted person and going through your thought process with honesty.

For more insights from Jennifer Lander, follow her on Instagram and check out her website!

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