Do you ever feel uneasy without knowing why? We all experience anxiety from time to time, but for some it can be a constant companion. On “What’s Trending,” Hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes are joined by certified clinical hypnotherapist Rene Brent to unpack Psychology Today’s root causes of anxiety.
The Mystery of Existence
The article suggests the very nature of existence can be a source of anxiety. Rene clarifies that anxiety is not an emotion, it’s a symptom of fear. She says we are genetically evolved to be on high alert about what’s wrong to survive and happiness or calm doesn’t come naturally. This is why we have to practice it through our daily rituals.
Heal Your Inner Child
Rene says the root cause of anxiety is often rooted in past experiences. So if you have a negative memory of riding a bike for the first time, you may fear riding bikes as an adult. She encourages you to close your eyes and drop in to find that younger version of you that’s holding onto that fear. Tell them that you’re okay in spite of all that’s happened to you.
For more insights from Rene Brent, follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin!