
Reclaim Your Time and Sanity From Your Phone

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Many of us find ourselves mindlessly scrolling for hours, only to look up feeling drained and disconnected.

Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant shares their insights on tackling this all-too-common issue. The first step?

Honesty. Admitting you might be overdoing it is tough, but it’s the key to setting limits and regaining control.

Don’t underestimate the power of FOMO (fear of missing out). It’s what keeps our fingers twitching and our eyes glued to the screen. But here’s the thing: what are we really missing out on when we’re living in a virtual world?

So how do we break free?

Start small with a social media fast or set timers to curb those late-night scrolling marathons. Swap screen time for activities that truly bring joy, whether it’s reading, connecting with friends, or simply being present in the moment.

Breaking any habit takes time and effort. But with practice, you’ll create new, healthier routines and rediscover the world beyond the screen.

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At the heart of MHTN - America's pioneering 24/7 Mental Health TV Network - is our editorial team, a dynamic group of professionals united by a shared commitment to transforming the conversation around mental health. Our team is composed of seasoned journalists, mental health experts, researchers, and storytellers, each bringing a wealth of experience and a passion for advocacy.

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