World Mental Health Day - MHTN

Near Death Experience: What Lies on the Other Side?

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Have you ever had a near-death experience? Or wondered what happens, if anything at all? Mindfulness expert and author, Lee Papa joins Jessica Reyes to share her story, providing insight into what might happen after passing.

Lee Papa’s Experience

Papa was suffering from a viral illness when she described her spirit leaving her body, going towards the light, and leaving her with no physical form. Many people would think such an experience would be terrifying, but Papa says it was nothing short of pure beauty. Saying she was “a sphere of light, having no issues or qualms about not having a body.”

The Negotiation

Lee mentions she did not want to return to her physical form but had to be convinced by beings she met on the other side. Describing that it was their job to convince her to return, as our senses of connection are different on the other side, and our sense of love is much more profound than what can be properly described.

Living After Dying

Lee was confused after regaining consciousness, having no idea what she had just experienced or how long she had been out of it. It’s safe to assume that such an event would leave an impact on anyone, as Lee describes the moments after seeing everything with a glow and having some form of life. A near-death experience is something no one wants, but such a situation can leave you with a new outlook on life, reminding you how precious life is, and highlighting the love and beauty we get to experience in our world.

For more information on Lee Papa, connect with her on Instagram and LinkedIn, and check out her website.

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