
Losing Your Cool with the Kids? Here’s What You Can Do

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Parents…It’s totally normal to get frustrated sometimes, but it’s important to find ways to handle those big feelings before they turn into big outbursts.

First things first, cut yourself some slack.

Kids can be a handful, and it’s okay if you don’t always handle things perfectly.

The important thing is to learn and grow as a parent.

So, what can you do when you feel that anger bubbling up?

Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and Anita Avedian suggests this simple trick: take a break. Just step out of the room for a few minutes. It sounds too easy, right? But trust me, those few minutes can make all the difference.

Use that break to take a deep breath, count to ten, or do whatever helps you calm down. Maybe you listen to your favorite song, do a quick meditation, or just stare out the window. The goal is to give yourself a chance to cool off before things escalate.

When you’re feeling more centered, go back and talk to your child calmly.

It’s your job to model good behavior and show your kids how to handle their emotions in a healthy way.

By taking a break when you need it, you’re not just helping yourself – you’re also creating a calmer, safer, and more loving environment for your whole family.

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