
Forget Yoga, Try Birding: The New Mindfulness Practice That’s Taking Flight

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Ditch the screens and head outdoors! Birdwatching is gaining recognition as a powerful tool for improving mental health. Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and Jahmaal Marshall discuss on recent research from North Carolina State University revealing that college students who regularly engage in birdwatching experience lower stress levels and greater overall well-being compared to their non-birding peers.

It turns out that observing our feathered friends offers unique benefits beyond simply being in nature.

The focused attention required for birdwatching acts as a form of meditation, allowing our brains to unwind and de-stress. Plus, the sights and sounds of the natural world provide a much-needed respite from the constant stimulation of screens and technology.

You don’t need to be an expert to reap the rewards.

Simply spending time in your backyard or local park, noticing the birds’ colors, calls, and behaviors, can have a profound impact on your mood and mental state.

So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, grab a pair of binoculars (or just your own two eyes) and discover the unexpected joy and tranquility of birdwatching. Your mental health will thank you!

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