
Finding the Courage to Trust Love…Again and Again

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Ever been hurt in love? You’re not alone. Betrayal, heartbreak – they leave scars.

But here’s the thing: we can’t let fear hold us back from experiencing the beauty of love.

That’s where Maya Angelou’s words come in: “Have enough courage to trust love one more time, and always one more time.” This quote reminds us that we have the strength within us to heal and open our hearts again, even after experiencing pain.

It’s easy to lose trust in ourselves and others when we’ve been hurt, but as Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant shares, it’s crucial to remember that love always wins. If love isn’t winning, it might be a sign to change direction, not to give up on love altogether.

So, how do you find the courage to trust again?

  • Forgive: Let go of the past and forgive yourself and the person who hurt you.
  • Learn: Reflect on your experiences and identify patterns that might have led to the heartache.
  • Focus on self-love: Take care of yourself, build your confidence, and know your worth.
  • Open your heart: Be brave enough to let love in again. Remember, every experience, even the painful ones, helps us grow and become better versions of ourselves.

Love is a powerful force that can heal and transform us. Don’t let fear rob you of the joy it can bring. Choose love, one more time and always one more time.

Follow JoJo’s, InstagramLinkedIn, and check out her website for more information.

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