
Feeling Pressured to Be More Social – How Do I Set Boundaries?

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Do your friends push you to go to parties or speak up even when you’d rather hang back? This segment on Life Quakes, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu and guest counselor Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant talks about handling pressure to be more outgoing. A viewer shares how her friends’ good intentions are making her feel self-conscious. JoJo offers advice on setting boundaries and finding your own version of confidence.

Communicate with Your Friends

Explain that you appreciate their support but need them to respect your comfort level. Ask for their help in respecting your boundaries.

Confidence is Personal

Outgoing doesn’t look the same for everyone. Find ways to be social that feel comfortable for you.

It’s Okay to Be Shy

There’s nothing wrong with being an introvert. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for being yourself.

Have you ever felt pressured to be more social? How did you handle it? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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