
Fresh Start or Frozen in Time? The Debate After Tragedy Scars Public Spaces

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When violence strikes public spaces, should you demolish the building, or preserve it? Host Patricia Wu and guest therapist Dr. Jude Black unpack the emotional weight these sites carry and the debate around their future, as reported by AP News.

Demolishing to Move Forward

On the one hand, the sites of mass shootings, hate crimes and more can become grim monuments to trauma. demolishing these sites can help communities move forward and heal. Sometimes when these sites are demolished, a memorial will take it’s place which can offer people a moment of peace and reflection to remember.

Preserving for Hope

On the other hand, some places choose to keep the buildings standing, seeing them as symbols of resilience and defiance. Dr. Jude explains that these communities don’t want to let the incident get to them, define them, or affect how they live their lives.

Healing vs. Resources for Survivors

Demolition is costly, so some argue those resources can be better spent on mental health services for survivors. Dr. Jude says each community should come together and decide on what’s best for them because healing from tragedy is not a one size fits all.

For more insights from Dr. Jude Black, follow her on Instagram or LinkedIn!

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