
Transforming Anger: 3 Key Lessons From Buddha’s Wisdom

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On ‘Behind the Quote’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest hypnotherapist Rene Brent, offers insights into the destructive nature of anger and how to break free from its grasp, inspired by Buddha’s quote, “Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

Anger Harms the Holder

Anger is a self-inflicted poison, causing more damage to the one harboring it than the intended target. Recognizing this can help you shift your focus from blaming others to healing yourself.

Anger is a Chemical Addiction

The physiological and emotional intensity of anger can become a harmful cycle. Understanding this addiction can help you break free and find healthier ways to cope with difficult emotions.

Release Anger to Reclaim Power

Choosing to let go of anger doesn’t mean condoning the wrong done. It means taking back your power and creating space for healing and positive change.

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