World Mental Health Day - MHTN

Tips For The Birthday Blues

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Feeling down around your birthday is totally normal, but what can you do about it? On this “What’s Trending” segment, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Dr. Cortina Peters break down Psychology Today’s tips on fighting the birthday blues.

Plan Your Own Party

Plan your own party to give people a chance to have fun as your gift to them, not the other way around. Dr. Cortina says it’s normal to feel down about getting older, but celebrating others can help you celebrate yourself by realizing that you’re not alone on this journey.

Make Your Own Fuss

If you want a big fuss but don’t know if it’ll happen, make your own fuss by taking the big vacation of your dreams. Dr. Cortina says no matter how big or small you want your celebration to be, just do it! Tomorrow is not promised, so celebrate yourself today.

Treat Yourself

If you don’t need a fuss but still want to feel better, treat yourself well in low-key ways like getting enough sleep or buying yourself a small gift in advance. What’s something that can bring you joy and make your heart smile?

For more insights from Dr. Cortina Peters, follow her on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn!

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