
Recognizing and Responding to Your 8-Year-Old’s Behavioral Cries for Help

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Dealing with an 8-year-old who’s acting out at home and school can leave parents feeling frazzled and worried. The tantrums, the defiance, the aggression – it’s not easy to handle, and you might be wondering if there’s something deeper going on. If you’re nodding along, know that many parents face these challenges.

Hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes is joined by guest therapist Dr. Cortina Peters who understands your worries. She’s worked with many families facing similar challenges, and she has some advice that could make a real difference.

First, focus on what your child is doing right.

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool.

Second, listen to your child with an open mind.

Remember, they’re still learning how to deal with big emotions. Ask them what’s happening, what they need, and help them find solutions to their problems. You might be surprised by what you learn.

Dr. Peters also suggests offering choices. “Do you want to clean your room first, or put away your toys?” This gives your child a sense of control and can make them more cooperative.

And when it comes to discipline, try not to be too harsh.

Instead of taking things away, offer a different kind of consequence. Dr. Peters shares a great example: If your child doesn’t do their chores, they might miss out on a special activity they were looking forward to.

Remember, every child is different, and what works for one might not work for another. But with patience, understanding, and a few simple strategies, you can help your child navigate their big emotions and thrive.

What strategies have you found helpful for dealing with challenging behavior in your child? Share your experiences in the comments below – your insights might be just what another parent needs to hear!

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