
Military Moms (and Dads) Under Stress: The Childcare Crisis You Might Not Know About

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Even military heroes face a hidden crisis: the struggle to find childcare. At Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Army officer Erin Williams, a mom of three, is one of many parents facing long waitlists and tough choices.

Across the military, over 9,000 children are waiting for childcare, forcing some parents to consider leaving the service altogether.

This isn’t just a military issue; it’s a national crisis affecting families from all walks of life. Upper-income families are struggling, and for many lower-income families, quality childcare is simply unaffordable.

The lack of childcare options has far-reaching consequences.

It puts additional stress on military families, affects military readiness, and contributes to the declining birthrate.

Patricia Wu and Ryan Heapy acknowledge this crisis and demand for better solutions. Providing adequate childcare isn’t just a convenience, it’s an investment in our children’s future and the well-being of our communities.

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