
Lost in Translation: Understanding Your Partner’s Mixed Signals

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Relationships can be a confusing game of hot and cold…sound familiar? On this “What’s Trending” segment, host Patricia Wu and guest psychotherapist Eryl McCaffrey break down Psychology Today’s reasons why people send mixed signals.

Fears of Commitment

Some people value their independence and may see a relationship as a threat to their freedom. Eryl says you may notice early signs of this fear in your partner if their actions don’t match their words. When it comes to making plans for the future, you may be the one to be excited about plans down the road, where as your partner may get anxious. It’s important to recognize this behavior so you can have a conversation about it.

They’re Hung Up on an Ex

These unresolved feelings can make their behavior inconsistent in new relationships. Eryl points out that people who aren’t over their ex often bring them up a lot in new relationships, usually in a negative way. If your partner has truly moved on, they won’t feel the need to talk about their ex constantly or bash the memory of them because they’re ready to move forward.

They Don’t Know Themselves

Some people might not know what they want or who they are, which comes out in their actions and emotions. It’s so important to work on yourself before entering a new relationship. Eryl explains that people often think that they can start dating and figure out what they want in the process, but that can be unfair to your partner. Take responsibility for your own journey and be honest upfront about where you’re at.

For more insights from Eryl McCaffrey, follow her on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn!

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