
Lisa Sugarman’s Story: Turning Suicide Loss into a Message of Hope

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Lisa Sugarman, who is joined by Patricia Wu, shares her personal story of losing her dad and learning to cope from suicide. This experience inspired her to help others talk openly about mental health and dealing with loss. She’s writing a book to help people talk about these tough topics and to remind them that it’s okay to not feel okay all the time.

Lisa believes that talking about mental health is important.

We need to accept that life has ups and downs, and it’s okay to feel sad or struggle.

We can feel grief not just when someone dies, but also when we lose relationships, jobs, or pets. Having people we trust and safe spaces to talk helps us through tough times.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or find it hard to do everyday things because of how you’re feeling, Lisa says it’s important to get help. Talk to someone you trust or call the 988 hotline. Lisa also volunteers to help people in crisis, listening to them and connecting them to resources.

Lisa’s website has lots of information and help for different communities. Her goal is to make it easy for people to find help when they need it. Lisa’s story reminds us that we don’t have to go through hard times alone and that asking for help is important.

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