
Happiness Check: Are you Unconsciously Unhappy?

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Do you feel like you lost that sense of wonder you had as a kid? On this “What’s Trending segment, hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes unpack Psychology Today’s signs you may be unhappy with guest holistic psychology expert, Charlotte Lewis.

Quick to Criticize Others

Being quick to judge is a common sign of being unhappy with yourself. Charlotte says “if you’re on the receiving end of someone else’s judgment, it says more about them than it ever does about you.” These people that make assumptions about other’s without knowing their full story are often projecting their own insecurities or biases.

Significant Distrust of Others

Having little trust in others can be a sign of deeper unhappiness and hinder healthy relationships. Charlotte explains that trust often comes from experience, so having a lot of experience with people breaking your trust, reinforces the belief not to trust others. It’s important to do the inner work to resolve any trust issues you may have before entering new relationships.

Disconnection From Awe

Losing the ability to feel awe and wonder is a subtle but important sign of unhappiness. To get your joy back, challenge yourself to go out and do the things that you love. Even if you lack motivation, Charlotte encourages you to put your phone down and do something that excites you. Getting out of your comfort zone is the hardest part, but once you make that first step, you may come back so happy that you did.

For more insights from Charlotte Lewis, follow her on Instagram and LinkedIn!

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