
Gen Z and the Gloom: Are Phones Stealing Our Joy?

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Ever notice how everyone’s always glued to their phones? At dinner, concerts, even hanging out with friends – it’s like we’re all living in our own little screens. And it’s making us kinda… well, gloomy.

Gen Z, the generation born with smartphones in their hands, seems to be feeling this more than anyone. Why?

It’s not just FOMO (fear of missing out) from social media.

It’s deeper. We’re missing out on real-life connections.

Remember playing outside with friends until the streetlights came on? Building forts, having water balloon fights, or just chatting on the porch? Those moments weren’t just fun – they taught us how to be social, how to deal with emotions, how to just be with each other.

So, what can we do?

It’s not about ditching our phones completely (let’s be real, that’s not happening). But maybe we can set some boundaries. No phones at dinner, maybe? Or a dedicated “phone-free” hour each day?

Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and Anita Avedian inspires you to get back to basics: play games, go for walks, have face-to-face conversations.

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