
Doomscrolling Your Way to Health Anxiety? How Wellness Content Can Backfire

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Raise your hand if you’ve ever doom-scrolled through health articles online, convinced you had every symptom listed. 🙋‍♀️

The wellness industry has exploded in recent years, bombarding us with information about how to be healthier, happier, and perfect. But is all this focus on wellness actually making us more anxious about our health?

Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant discuss how obsessively tracking our health data or scrolling through endless wellness posts can make us feel like we’re constantly falling short.

So, how do we find balance?

JoJo’s advice is simple: be aware of how you react to wellness content. If it makes you anxious, take a step back. Unfollow those accounts, limit your research, and focus on what makes you feel good.

Indicating Facts Over Fads

Not everything you see online is true. Do your research, and listen to experts, not just influencers. And don’t forget that wellness isn’t just about expensive products or supplements. It’s about living a healthy lifestyle, eating well, and taking care of your mental health.

To learn more about JoJo, follow her Instagram, LinkedIn, and check out her website for more information.

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