
Can Men Be Affectionate Without Facing Judgment?

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A new study reveals society often views men’s sexual orientation as more easily swayed than women’s. Even non-sexual acts of warmth between men can raise questions. Hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discusses how societal expectations of masculinity can unfairly limit male friendships.

Double Standards for Affection

The study demonstrates that harmless behaviors can be interpreted differently based on gender. Men’s heterosexuality is seen as more fragile, potentially leading to unfair assumptions.

The Pressure to Be “Macho”

Societal norms often push men to be emotionally distant. Ryan suggests this can make men self-conscious in male friendships, affecting closeness and support networks.

Celebrities Challenge Norms

Ryan notes that figures like Harry Styles help redefine masculinity. Openness about gender expression could contribute to more understanding and acceptance of male friendships.

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