
The Real Costs of America’s Overwhelmed Mental Health System

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Are you worried about accessing mental health care when it matters most? In this “What’s Trending” segment, hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu, along with guest therapist Ryan Heapy, discuss the tragic story of Andy Neiman, whose death highlights the consequences of America’s underfunded and overwhelmed mental health system. They explore the real costs, personal experiences, and how we can help others navigate this complex system.

The Tragic Story of Andy Neiman

HuffPost reports the heart-wrenching story of Andy Neiman, who waited sixteen hours in an overcrowded emergency room before walking out and disappearing. His death reflects the dire state of America’s mental health care and the consequences of delayed care and intervention.

A Therapist’s Personal Battle

Ryan Heapy shares his own suicide attempt 11 years ago and the five days he spent in a hospital waiting for a psych bed to open up. As a therapist, Ryan still struggles to get clients the appropriate psychiatric care due to overcrowding, emphasizing the ongoing challenges within the system.

How You Can Help

Ryan talks about how important it is to help others navigate the confusing mental health system. You can support them by driving them to appointments, picking up prescriptions, or just being there for them when they need it. Despite advances in treatment, mental health care is still challenging, so every bit of support helps.

For more insights from Ryan Heapy, follow him on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
At the heart of MHTN - America's pioneering 24/7 Mental Health TV Network - is our editorial team, a dynamic group of professionals united by a shared commitment to transforming the conversation around mental health. Our team is composed of seasoned journalists, mental health experts, researchers, and storytellers, each bringing a wealth of experience and a passion for advocacy.

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