World Mental Health Day - MHTN

Everyday Heroes: Safe Passage Programs Protect Schoolchildren

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On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss the Safe Passage programs popping up around the country.

Community Protection

Safe Passage programs rely on community members to protect children walking to school.

Combating Human Trafficking

These programs can help deter crime and dangers like human trafficking.

The Impact of Everyday Heroes

Volunteers provide children with a sense of safety and security during their commutes.

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
At the heart of MHTN - America's pioneering 24/7 Mental Health TV Network - is our editorial team, a dynamic group of professionals united by a shared commitment to transforming the conversation around mental health. Our team is composed of seasoned journalists, mental health experts, researchers, and storytellers, each bringing a wealth of experience and a passion for advocacy.

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