

Finding the Courage to Trust Love…Again and Again

Even after betrayal and heartbreak, we can find the courage to trust love again by forgiving, learning from our experiences, focusing on self-love, and bravely opening our hearts to the transformative power of love.

From Mom to Me: Embracing a New Chapter After the Kids Leave

Watching your last child leave for college is a bittersweet moment. Pride mixes with loss as you grapple with a major shift in identity....

43 Years of Breaking Barriers: Captain Claiborne’s Historic Journey in the Air Force

Captain Teresa Claiborne, a true pioneer, recently landed her final flight after 43 incredible years in the sky.She wasn't just any pilot; she...

60 and Fabulous: Miss Universe Contestant Proves Dreams Don’t Have an Expiration Date

Who says beauty has an expiration date? Alejandra Marisa Rodriguez, a 60-year-old contestant in Argentina's Miss Universe pageant, is proving that age is just...

Finding Your Way Back to You: The Sacredness of True Belonging

In our busy lives, it's easy to lose sight of ourselves. We bend and conform to the expectations of others, sometimes forgetting what truly...

Ageism: Are We All Guilty of It?

Ageism is basically discrimination against older folks just because of their age. And it's happening all around us, even if we don't realize it.We...

Ready, Set, Grow! Your Comfort Zone is Calling…To Say Goodbye!

Ever feel stuck, like you're just going through the motions?Maybe you're cruising along in life, but deep down, something's missing.That's where Neale...

Chasing Dreams: A Short Pep Talk for the Everyday Dreamer

Ever had that one dream that felt so big, so exciting, it almost scared you? I know I have. It's that whisper inside that...

Real Strength in Tough Times

It's not about how you act when things are easy, but how you show up when life throws you a curveball.We all love those...