

Poll Finds That Most Americans Support Medical Debt Forgiveness

Patricia Wu breaks down the poll about forgiving medical debt in the U.S. with Dr. Jude Black.

Mind Over Money: Tips for Balancing Your Finances and Mental Health

Get Educated and Make a Plan:Take the time to learn about budgeting and creating a financial plan, even a simple one.Practice Open Communication and...

Is the American Dream Dead? Young People Say Yes

The American Dream – a house, kids, a car – is looking more and more unattainable. A staggering report reveals the current estimated cost...

Thriving as a Single Mom with These Game-Changing Tips

In today’s segment our hosts, Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu, delve into the heroic efforts of single mothers with expert guest, Liana Ross. They...

Mental Health and Finances: Understanding the Connection and Importance of Self-Care

Mental health and finances are two important aspects of our lives that are closely interlinked.Our financial well-being can have a significant impact on...

The Money Talk: When You and Your Partner have Different Ideas about Saving and Spending

Discussing money with a partner can be a sensitive and challenging topic, especially if you have different ideas about saving and spending.However, it's...