FDA Recall: An Antidepressant Has Been Upgraded to 2nd Highest Risk Level for Medication
Duloxetine Delayed-Release Capsules
The FDA has issued a Class II recall for thousands of bottles of Duloxetine Delayed-Release Capsules, an antidepressant used to treat depression,...
Are Americans Losing Faith in College?
A recent Gallup/Lumina Foundation poll reveals that Americans' confidence in higher education is declining, with only 36% expressing high confidence. This skepticism is driven...
Chicago’s NASCAR Race Raising Awareness For Veterans
NASCAR's Chicago Street Race is not only attracting new fans to the sport but also serving as a platform to address the critical issue...

Are Empty Homes The Solution To Homelessness?
Filling Up Empty Homes
Wigan Council is bucking the national trend by reducing the number of empty homes in their area. Neil Tonge, housing standards...
Colorado Approves Licensing For Outdoor Preschools
Colorado is the second state, after Washington, to approve licenses for outdoor preschools, allowing them to accept state childcare subsidies. Hosts Patricia Wu and...
Best Friends Share Life’s Biggest Milestones
Best Friends For Life
Two lifelong best friends, Arielle deNeergaard and Christine West, recently celebrated major life events together despite unexpected obstacles. West, who was...
Supreme Court: Cities Can Enforce Bans on Homeless Sleeping
In a landmark 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that cities can enforce bans on homeless people sleeping in public places, even when shelter...
Life-Saving Knowledge: New Jersey Teens Save Friend With CPR
Three New Jersey teenagers' friendship was solidified when high school wrestler J.J. Machnik suffered sudden cardiac arrest due to his genetic heart condition, hypertrophic...
Never Too Late: A 99-Year-Old Breaks Swimming World Record
Setting Record at Any Age
On this segment of Psychology Behind the Headlines, hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes are joined by Dr. Geri-Lynn Utter...
Therapy Dogs Provide Comfort and Healing at Olympic Event
The "Goodest Boy" at Olympic Trials
In this Psychology Behind the Headlines, hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu are joined by psychologist Dr. Geri-Lynn Utter-Godfrey...
Homeless Texas Teen Receives Full Scholarship To College
Overcoming all odds
Zaylin Washington, a Texas high school senior, has overcome significant adversity to earn a full academic and athletic scholarship to River College...